中国爱乐乐团2023-2024音乐季交响音乐会 5.25

作者:干脆点 2024-06-01 16:16 来源: 网络

中国爱乐乐团2023-2024音乐季交响音乐会 5.25是近期北京小伙伴非常关注的一个话题,我们本地屋针对此话题收集整理了以下内容,快来和小编一起来看看吧!

中国爱乐乐团2023-2024音乐季交响音乐会 5.25

中国爱乐乐团2023-2024音乐季交响音乐会  5.25图片由网友“干脆点”提供

王健 大提琴家




Jian Wang cellist

Jian Wang began to study the cello with his father when he was four. While a student at the Shanghai Conservatoire, he was featured in the celebrated documentary film From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. In 1981, at 12 years old, Jian made his professional debut playing the Saint Saens cello concerto with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the Shanghai Music Hall. In 1985, with Mr Stern's encouragement, he entered the Yale School of Music under a special programme where he studied with the renowned cellist Aldo Parisot.

As a soloist, Jian Wang has performed with many of the world’s leading orchestras, including Berlin Philharmonic, Royal Concertgebouw orchestra, New York and Los Angeles Philharmonic, Cleveland and Philadelphia orchestras, Chicago, Boston and Detroit Symphonies, , London Symphony, the Halle, the BBC orchestras, Zurich Tonhalle, Gothenburg Symphony, Stockholm Philharmonic, Santa Cecilia, La Scala, Mahler Chamber, Orchestre National de France, Orchestre de Paris, Czech Philhamonic, and NHK Symphony. These concerts have been with many of the greatest conductors, such as Abbado, Sawallisch, Jarvi, Chailly, Dutoit, Eschenbach, Chung, Gilbert and Gustavo Dudamel. Jian Wang also collaborates frequently with all the major Chinese Orchestras, including Shanghai Symphony, China Philharmonic, China NCPA orchestra, China National orchestra, Guangzhou, Shenzhen symphony orchestras and Hangzhou Philharmonic. These concerts have been with one of his closest musical partners Long Yu, as well as Muhai Tang, Chen Zuo Huang, Lu Jia, Zhang Guo Yong, Yang Yang, Xu Zhong, Lin Da Ye, Jing Huan and Zhang Jie Ming. Jian Wang was appointed as the first ever Artist in Residence by the China National Center for Performing Arts, also by the Shanghai Symphony orchestra. As a jury member, Jian Wang has judged many of the most important competitions, including the Tchaikovsky cello competition, the Queen Elizabeth cello competition, the Weiniawsky Violin Competition, the Isaac Stern violin competition and the Nielsen violin competition. Jian Wang now serves as the International Chair of the Cello for the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. He also serves as a member of Artistic committee for the Shanghai Symphony and Hangzhou Philharmonic. Since 2022, Jian Wang is a cello professor at the Shanghai Conservatory.

Jian Wang has made many recordings, his latest releases being the Elgar Cello Concerto with the Sydney Symphony and Vladimir Ashkenazy. He has also recorded an album of short pieces for Cello and Guitar titled Reverie, the complete Bach Cello Suites and a Baroque Album with the Camerata Salzburg, Brahms Double Concerto with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Claudio Abbado and Gil Shaham, the Haydn Concerti with the Gulbenkian Orchestra under Muhai Tang, Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time (with Myung-Whun Chung, Gil Shaham and Paul Meyer) and Brahms, Mozart and Schumann chamber music with Pires and Dumay. His instrument is graciously loaned to him by the family of the late Mr. Sau-Wing Lam.

中国爱乐乐团2023-2024音乐季交响音乐会  5.25图片由网友“干脆点”提供



2023-2024乐季,余隆受邀执棒费城管弦乐团和纽约爱乐乐团;在国内,余隆与著名钢琴家斯蒂芬·霍夫 (Stephen Hough) 小提琴家莱昂尼达斯·卡瓦科斯(Leonidas Kavakos)朱利安·拉什林(Julian Rachlin),男中音歌唱家马蒂亚斯·戈内(Matthias Goerne),女高音歌唱家奥尔加·佩列佳特科(Olga Peretyatko)等艺术家合作演出。2023年11月,余隆将执棒由上海交响乐团与纽约爱乐乐团联合委约艾伦·齐格曼(Aaron Zigman)、马克·坎贝尔(Mark Campbell)新创作的清唱剧作品《上海!上海!》的世界首演。








在国际上,余隆大师获得的荣誉同样显赫。其中包括2002年由德国万宝龙文化基金会颁发的“万宝龙卓越艺术成就奖” ,以及2003年获颁的“法兰西文学艺术骑士勋章”。2005年,意大利政府授予余隆“共和国骑士勋章”;2014年,受法国政府颁授代表最高荣誉的“法国荣誉军团勋章”;2015年,获美国大西洋理事会“全球公民奖”以及耶鲁大学音乐学院的“桑福德奖章”;2016年,余隆被选为美国艺术与科学院的外籍荣誉院士,同年获得德意志联邦共和国十字勋章;2018年,余隆又被授予香港演艺学院荣誉博士学位。

Long Yu Biography

Hailed by The New York Times as “the most powerful figure in China’s classical music scene,” the conductor and impresario Long Yu has devoted his illustrious career to steering China’s growing connection to classical music while familiarizing international audiences with the country’s most eminent musicians and composers. Maestro Yu currently holds the top position in China’s most prominent orchestras—Artistic Director of the China Philharmonic Orchestra in Beijing and Music Director of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra—as well as Principal Guest Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He is also co-director of Shanghai’s Music in the Summer Air (MISA) festival and Chair of the Artistic Committee of the Beijing Music Festival, an annual autumn event that he founded in 1998 and served as Artistic Director until 2017. After 20 years at the helm, Maestro Yu recently stepped down as Music Director of Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra and is now honorary Music Director and the Chair of the Artistic Committee. He is currently Vice President of the China Musicians Association and Chairman of its recently established League of China Orchestras.

This 2023-24 season, international guest appearances bring Maestro Yu together with The Philadelphia Orchestra and New York Philharmonic, and at home he performs with renowned artists including pianist Stephen Hough, violinist Leonidas Kavakos, Julian Rachlin, baritone Matthias Goerne, and soprano Olga Peretyatko, among others. In the fall, he gives the world premiere of Aaron Zigman & Mark Campbell’s Émigré with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra (SSO), co-commissioned by the SSO and New York Philharmonic.

One of many career highlights, from February to April 2005, the China Philharmonic Orchestra embarked on an international tour under the baton of Maestro Long Yu. Within 40 days they appeared in 22 cities throughout North America and Europe. This was the first time a Chinese symphony orchestra gave performances in the two continents in China's history. Maestro Yu led the China Philharmonic in 2014 in the first Chinese orchestral performance at the BBC Proms at London’s Royal Albert Hall, a concert viewed by millions of people across the United Kingdom. And, under Maestro Yu’s baton, the China Philharmonic Orchestra became the first Chinese orchestra to perform at the Vatican’s Paul VI Auditorium, a concert attended by Pope Benedict XVI marking a giant step in bridging East and West.

Since taking the reins of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in 2009, Maestro Yu’s initiatives have included the 2014 opening of Shanghai Symphony Hall. That same year, he founded the Shanghai Orchestra Academy, China’s first post-graduate training program for orchestral musicians, in partnership with the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the New York Philharmonic, which also named Maestro Yu an honorary member of their International Advisory Board, a 12-member network of advocates and ambassadors gathered to connect the Philharmonic with individuals and institutions in their home countries. Two years later, he launched the biennial Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition, a result of his relationship with the Stern family dating from the violinist’s appearance at the Beijing Music Festival in 2000 marking the 20th anniversary of his groundbreaking China tour.

In June 2018, Maestro Yu became the first Chinese conductor to sign an exclusive relationship with Deutsche Grammophon, offering the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra a global release and distribution partnership, and leading to the recording releases of Orff: Carmina Burana (Live From the Forbidden City) (January 2019) and The Song of the Earth (July 2021). In 2019, he led the orchestra on a tour of the United States and Europe, with performances at the BBC Proms and Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw as well as the Edinburgh, Lucerne and Ravinia festivals.

As Music Director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra from 2003 to 2023, Maestro Yu expanded the orchestra’s repertoire and touring outreach to Europe, the United States, Australia, Africa and the Middle East, as well as helped grow its educational mission. Between 2005 and 2007, the GSO organized the Canton International Summer Music Academy with a distinguished faculty including Martha Argerich and Gary Graffman. In January 2017, the GSO inaugurated Youth Music Culture Guangdong, a performance and educational initiative “opening a new page in the Chinese symphonic world” with Yo-Yo Ma as its first Artistic Director and Maestro Yu leading its Artistic Committee.

Also a towering figure on the international stage, Maestro Yu has conducted many highly acclaimed orchestras throughout the world, including the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Staatsoper Hamburg, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra, Munich Philharmonic, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic, and Singapore Symphony Orchestra.

Born in 1964 into a Shanghai musical family, Maestro Yu received his early musical education from his grandfather, the renowned composer Ding Shande, later continuing his studies at the Shanghai Conservatory and the Hochschule der Kunst in Berlin. In the early 90s, he was appointed Principal Conductor of the Central Opera House in Beijing and served as its conductor for three consecutive years, as well as Conductor of the Urban Council of Hong Kong and served as its annual opera conductor.

Among his achievements in China, Long Yu was named the 2010 Person of the Year in the Arts Field and was also granted the 2013 China Arts Award and an Honorary Academician from the Central Conservatory of Music for his dedication to cultural exchange and music development in China.

Internationally, Maestro Yu received the Arts Patronage Award of the Montblanc Cultural Foundation in 2002. A year later, he was named a Chevalier dans L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. In 2005, the Italian government honored him with the title of L’onorificenza di Commendatore dell’Ordine al Merito. He was awarded France’s highest order of merit by joining the Légion d’Honneur in 2014. The following year, Maestro Yu received the prestigious Global Citizen Award from the Atlantic Council and the Samuel Simons Sanford Award from the Yale School of Music. In 2016, he was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and also awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 2018, he was conferred an Honorary Doctorate from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

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